I know that this problem was discussed many times , but the last solution i’ve seen is update to 4.1.1 with fix for this issue , though i am on 4.3.1 version and i still have this problem.
I have landscape material with layer texture system to paint on the landscape. So i have about 10 textures and this is the material grid : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/0l870db2yxc4q9i/shot_140816_153030.png
The problem is that simply changing one constant value to tweak material re-compiles about 3200 shaders !
It takes about 2 minutes but imagine the fine-tweaking of this material … Problem is only for this material , others are fine.
Specs of my PC are pretty high , it is lenovo Y50-70 notebook, i7-4710HQ with GTX 860M on board.
I’ve read one solution about saving material first and than hitting the apply button. That reduced amount of shaders to compile from 3700+ to 3200+ , though still that is pretty much ?
Is there a way to check where is the problem , maybe something in my grid is incorrect ?
Thanks in advance !