5.4 C++ plugin Dev: "Scripted Asset Actions" does not appear in right-clicking menu

In the object inherits UAssetActionUtility, there is a member function which is marked as “UFUNCTION(CallInEditor)”. The member function should appears in menu options when right-clicking on a group of assets in the content browser, like in 5.0:

However, this would not be okay in 5.4. Very appreciate if anyone could help me.

The header file is:

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "AssetActionUtility.h"

#include "UAssetTools.generated.h"

class MICOANIMTOOLS_API UAssetTools : public UAssetActionUtility
  void TestFunc();

The build.cs is:

      new string[]
        "Core", "Blutility"
        // ... add other public dependencies that you statically link with here ...

You need create Blueprint based on your C++ AssetActionUtility

After that, Scripted Asset Actions will show up

It works!!! Thanks.
It’s wierd in 5.4. In 5.0, Scripted Asset Actions could appears in the menu without creating blueprints.

And when you build your plugin from C++, your action of plugin in editor is not updated yet. You need right click on your asset action blueprint and Run Editor Utility Blueprint again