Now i have a major problem ongoing, Ive updated all the test scene’s to UE4 4.5.1 and can’t go backwards but when i open my maps with 4.5.1 the following is what i get, It’s all Kinds of messed up!.
When loading my old landscape scene’s to update for my asset pack which was to sent of to Epic UK today (not going to happen now!) this is the problem i get. Should add the Epic landscape example is also doing the same thing.
Video of the graphic problems.
Also 80% of my main terrains have no terrain texture applied, If you try to edit or add another the Editor locks up on me with the harddisk thrashing away and all memory in sight being consumed. Editor will not even allow you to close it, you have to go into task manager to force the application to stop but even then i wouldnt release the memory used. Had to restart windows.
Can you post a copy of your dxdiag here so I can take a look? Additionally, what scalability settings are you currently using and are you using heightmaps or have you created your terrain in editor?
Yes im using height maps within the ditor terrain tool. Imported at 4096x4096 (well not exactly but the epic specified size close to 4096 but cant remember the number off the top of my head).
It does it for me even when loading the epic terrain example map as standard, so looks to me directly related to the terrain tool / terrain material system. In other scene’s ive tested without terrain (using static mesh’s for terrain i get no issues). Please get this sorted ASAP, I was supposed to be sending off my terrain assets for the market place on Monday, I need to make sales on this before the 14 November or i cant pay rent or bills and ill be evicted by 14th december. Been 4-5 months since i was contacted by Epic to sell these but it’s been trouble non stop due to file size. Finally had this all ready to go and now all the terrain scene’s are broken and can’t be reverted backwards. GRRRR
If you would like, you can private message me on the forums a sample asset that is producing this behavior and I would be happy to see if it reproduces on my end. If it does not then the assets will probably work on most machines.
I am running another project with a persistent world using heightmaps (conversion from 4.4), which run juste fine, and I was unable to reproduce the glitches no matter which settings I switched on or off, and that include the scalability settings from low to epic.
@as3ef2th1 , Cheers for backing me up. this is a problem others have posted on the main forums. Also others are getting the same texture issues with the racer example from epic and the terrain example from epic.
I find it very hard to believe this is a minimum spec issue, especially after looking through the dxdiag of as3ef2th1 above.
I should also add ive got scene’s working that have far higher poly counts and texture stress working that DONT use the terrain tool and just static mesh’s and it still doesn’t have these issues ive shown.
Im going to bite the bullet and try building one of the asset scene’s i HAD working in older builds from scratch in 4.5.1. If works ill just have to redo all 12 examples from scratch (which is a massive pain in the …) as trying to upload examples just for the point of no resolution is a waste of time.
@kingbadger3d: can you verify if you tried any of the suggestions I made on the forums? You never did respond if any of that helped solve your issue which appears to be similar to the issue I linked there.
You mention you updated assets to 4.5.1. I can see in your Scene Outliner that you have the BP_Bird from the Mountains Landscape Demo. If you upgrade that particular asset you would have the issues you’re seeing with the graphics glitch because this asset was adjusted in it’s material. You would need to download the Mountains demo again as version 4.5 or you would need to follow the link above and follow the steps to update the material to meet the new one that works with 4.5+.
We have not heard from you in quite some time. I am marking this thread as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment with the information requested. Thank you.
Thanks & for taking the time to help. Yeah the weird flashing oddness issue was related to that blueprint. But the other issue i was pointing out is the flashing sections on the terrain as you fly in and out at a vertical angle.
Weird thing is it only really pops up when at fully vertical, pull up even a couple degrees and it seems to go away mostly and only seems an issue at terrain boundaries. This also happens even when not using lightmass lighting.
The streaming seems to have an issue at perfect world Z angles around the terrain edges. Still happens even in the 4.5.1 hotfix but not as bad. If you need me to test this further im willing, just let me know. Cheers
Does the flashing occur if you take a landscape and manually adjust the surface with the in editor landscaping tools? I am curious to see if this is limited to Heightmaps or heightmaps from a specific program or if it occurs to any landscape.