4.17 Preview - July 13th - Live from Epic HQ

Bloom hasn’t changed at all (with the exception of the new convolution bloom), the new tonemapper is what’s changing the look of the bloom. You can turn it off with r.TonemapperFilm=0.

We have an entire thread here, which shows that it’s not as simple as that.

On this subject, can Mike possibly give some official feedback here? We are yet to have any input and the thread has been going for several months now - with a LOT of requests to restore old Bloom & Tonemapping behaviour.

It appears as though Motion Blur and Temporal AA is now supported by Scene Capture 2D - how do we enable this? I’ve been unable to get it working so far.

Me neither!

-You can now use the VR Editor hanging upside down
-Multiple people can now use the VR Editor (whilst hanging upside down) simultaneously
-The forward renderer can now render through a beamer inside your VR headset
-The splashscreen can now be viewed in 3D whilst in VR mode
-The Launcher now offers a direct VR link to Mike’s kitchen.


I just saw this in the 4.17 preview notes: The ‘Additional Meshes’ feature for previewing modular meshes now uses the ‘Copy Pose’ node instead of ‘MasterPose’. This means it can support meshes that do not share a Skeleton, and bones are copied by name.

Would it be possible to have near-future stream about animation with some focus on this particular feature? I think it could be useful for dismemberment system and for randomizing characters through use of detachable heads/props/limbs.

Thanks beforehand

So I have DSL and I’m half-way through the 4.16 download. What is new with 4.17 and is it worth the misery of trying to download it on my connection? This actually is an important question for those fo us with POS internet. Also do I have to be online to use my projects (new user here) (Gotta say like the engine, not sure how I feel about the weird link-up screens to do coding, appealing for noobs, annoying for programmers)

If you have a **** internet connection, wait for some additional previews or the final build… As for link-up screens, that is just one way to program with UE4, you can also use C++… With UE4, you also get full access to the source code.


LPVs are outdated tech.
Good GI solution is SVOGI, which they removed from the engine.

so whta they are going to use then , they have to give us something .

I only have 1 question when is this going to be fixed >>>Tracking Down GPU Hangs with NVIDIA Aftermath and 4.15.2 - Unreal Engine

Still not a single peep on this issue, still in the 4.17 preview, it still shows as unresolved, is this ever going to get fixed? I mean it only has the most votes of all issues, can you all just not fix it?

Been a thing since version 4.14 preview 1!

Unfortunately just because every other engine has some form of production ready dynamic G.I it doesn’t mean UE4 will have one too. You can continue using LPVs for outdoor (which doesn’t yield good results) but for indoor if you need G.I you’re pretty much left with baked lighting as the only solution.

Thats bad something that inst finished dont even work fully like lpv , people love lpv if you didnt knew, and its all about graphics for some people , so at least finish making the lpv to fully work also with all types of lights will be good , not all people are like unity based using light baked but dynamic light yes , if unreal is one of the best engines they should be be in a constant update to improve lighting wich is the most important aspect of graphics . in my point of view.

We’ll likely be discussing animation soon, but I’ll see about this feature specifically. :slight_smile:

I am a very beginner with this great UE4, bought some nice assets :slight_smile: I am very curious about the new version!

[Question] Are there plans for a live stream about the new “Texture-based Importance Sampling Blueprint nodes” and “Sobol quasi-random sequence”?

Feature request: Please include a link to LMGTFY in all areas! ;p

Can’t wait to see what’s new!

Or nvidias branch with VXGI. Which I’m sure has its own issues but its another option that may make sense for certain applications.

can you please make a video on how to make a autosave feature in game which must save all the setting and level completion automatically but not save in the middle of level

Mike usually just covers the new features of the upcoming release

questions are sometimes answered but usually not, since this is all about the release

so don’t expect Mike to have time to answer all these questions, most of which should be asked in the 4.17 Preview Thread instead: https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?148620-Unreal-Engine-4-17-Preview

To be honest that wasnt the point I was trying to make about the experimental geometry/mesh tools. I was really just taking about the timing and how none of that stuff showed signs of being merged into 4.17 branch on github last time I checked, with my timing guess further supported by its current position on the roadmap.

Also a major refactor of it, both in terms of code and user interface appeared on github just weeks ago, further making me think its not at the stage they’re comfortable releasing it in yet. I would be interested whether your opinion of it in terms of editor user interface was from using it before or after this refactor. Personally I have little opinion on that side of things beyond remembering that in its first incarnation Mike made it pretty clear in a video that the non-VR interface for mesh editing was just a crude placeholder (my choice of phrase, probably not his words unless my memory is way better than I assume it is) at that time. And I’m also far more interested in harnessing the new functionality via blueprints to put to my own uses (the other, related item mentioned on the roadmap), and am not qualified to be talking about 3d modelling software type user interfaces much at all.

Not that we are staying on topic with this sort of feedback, which I bring up because I would like to know if there is an ‘official’ thread where we can talk about the new geometry tools and know that our feedback is being heard.

Sad Day :frowning: