4.17 Preview - July 13th - Live from Epic HQ

Love this!n:cool:

lol! could be greatā€¦

[Question] Is it now possible to have plugin modules that depend on other plugins modules? ie. having a dialogue system plugin that depends on the FaceFX plugin for facial animations.

Will the bug fixes related to nvCloth that are currently available on the github 4.16 version be included in this 4.17 preview?


The tools need to go through a series of rounds with the UI/UX heavyweights, because they have seriously got issues with the tool in its current guise.

In short, itā€™s dreadful to use, is completely unintuitive and becomes a clickfest that only a programmer would find appealing.

Hopefully Macros can be inherited by child blueprint actors, since my whole project was not working properly in build because of inheritance problems.

Does it solve the problem of event overflow in the state machine?

From 4.16 to 4.17
From 4.17 to 4.18

Believe me this bug is more important than delaying it like that.

Any optimisation of foliage? For current version is just a joke

Really hoping for streaming alembic from hard drive.

Cant wait until you release it

Looking forward seeing whatā€™s in store for 4.17 and beyond!

I also wanna se the old bloom back as alternative, I never could achive the same beautiful scene with the bloom effects controls in 4.15 and 4.16 at the same time there is so much new and good stuff that I almost choose less atractive overall bloom for some of the new stuff

I hope this time itā€™s more focused on Windows Features
last updates WERE full of android and VR updates

[FONT=Arial Black]I hope LPV are finally full optimized and working properly

A Stream with Mike Fricker!

awesome, always a good stream when Mike is on!

ā€¦ canā€™t wait!

I hope for more Vulkan for desktop optimization, Unity have it, why not for UE4? Itā€™s about time to have it matured and stable support, and many enthusiasts developers will always help to test it fully

You should be able to do that already. If your Pluginā€™s .Build.cs has FaceFX or whatever as a module listed in the includes for it - it wonā€™t compile without it. At least if itā€™s an engine plugin.

I also want to improve performance and compatibility in mobile games. Thank you very much!

You can already do that, itā€™s just not encouraged.