I am having difficulties with sphere captures in 4.15. There seems to be no falloff on the capture. wherever the Influence Radius is set, it throws a harsh edge on all geo at that based on the sphere.
Has there been major updates to how the sphere captures are working since 4.13? everything seemed to be working fine and still does in the version i had of the file from then.
I have the same issue. It seems there is no way to adjust the falloff.
I have converted a level from 4.11 to 4.15 and the way the reflections behave is very different.
On first sight i thought it was a point light which makes circular areas brighter but it was the reflection sphere.
Yes, exactly! Please a response would be great. In the forums there was mention of having the larger sphere to capture the entire level and smaller radius spheres within, however I have already been using this approach so it would be great to hear about other solutions.