[4.10] SceneCaptureComponent2D and light problem

Hi everyboyds,

I have a problem with a SceneCaptureComponent2D since a convertion from 4.8.3 to 4.10 Unreal version, and I need your light for find a solution.

My SceneCaptureComponent2D is a camera of my touchpad, in my Actor, the CaptureCoponent is the child of the Touchpad Mesh. And this Actor is AttachTo the MainCamera (with a ChildActorComponent) in my Character blueprint. like this :

Before the convertion I had this result :

End in 4.10 I have this, no light, a very dark scene et a strange blue plan.

for the blue plan, after my research, it come from the Exponential Heigt Fog Component, after desable it :

BUT ! If i place my TouchPad Actor alone in the scene, In the editor it’s work normaly ! I don’t understand why :’(

All settings are exactly the same bettween two version.


  • Capture Srouce : Final Color (LDR with PostProcess)
  • Capture Every Frame : True
  • Max View Distance : -1.0


  • All at default

Texture render Target 2D

  • Sixe X : 1280
  • Sixe Y : 720
  • Address X : Wrap
  • Address Y : Wrap
  • HDR : True
  • Auto Generate Mips : False


  • Compression Settings : HDR

I someone have one idea, I need it :slight_smile:
Sorry if my english is not good.

I have found the solution, it’s come from the scale of the SceneCaptureComponent, now it must be at 10x10x10

using ue5.3.1 ,after adding exponential height fog, my scenecapture2d can only capture the outline of the object, if it is not very close to the capture camera . Then I enlarged the scale just as you said , problem was solved…and then reduced its scale, nothing went wrong again, weird… i think i met a bug just like you .Still , your sovlution works!