[3O% OFF SALE] Survival Game Kit


I dont need any info at the moment i get the issue as well I’m trying to work it out at the moment.


Patch notes - Survival Game Kit V1 – Patch Notes – Defuse Studios

Hey guys,

I have set up a general discord for everyone with my assets to be able to talk and exchange ideas.

**New Videos

New Discord

Defuse Studios**

Update 1.3.2

Patch notes - https://defusestudios.com/support/su…t-patch-notes/

**New Discord

It looks like you do a crazy amount of support on this. That’s really cool and the docs look great.

Before buying though is there an easy way to have a PUBG style loadout? For instance Primary, Secondary, Sidearm and Grenade in their own slots for the keys 1-4. Also having weapons fill empty weapon slot when a weapon goes into the inventory.

On a less important side, can I click on an item and have it move to my inventory automatically or do I have to right click and press “take” every time?

Hey there,

There isn’t really an easy way to get that layout no. Something like that would require alot of modification. If you shift click an item thats in another inventory it will auto add to your with out having to drag the item over. And items on the floor can just be picked up by looking at it and pressing E.

Update 1.4.1

Patch notes - https://defusestudios.com/support/su…t-patch-notes/

**New Video

have you kit and haven managed to weapons use the quick slots. I’m trying to figure out how to get the meshes to spawn on your back when they are unequipped but in those quick slots. Can you help me with that? Or at least direct me where to look?

Hey there,

The weapons are destroyed on unequip, this is done in the player inventory component in the Destroy Held Item function. There isn’t a straight forward way to have weapon attached to the character when not equipped because there isnt a limit to how many weapon a player could have in their inventory.

Interesting, I might be able to find a workaround with your help.

Where in the BP is it determined that an item is in the quick slot? Also is there a way to determine if the quick slot has been used?

With this I should be able to just attach the quick slot item to the character when it is dropped into the slot and when it is unequipped and then just destroy it on equip.

Everything is just stored in the inventory on the player inventory component and by default 0 - 5 is the quick slots in the inventory. If you want to know if an item is in one of them then you get the inventory array and get the index of the slot you want to check. from that you can get the items ID and count.

I just logged onto the Discord today for the first time… It is pretty amazing, thanks so much for having it! All kinds of good stuff inside :smiley:

Update 1.4.3

Patch notes - https://defusestudios.com/support/su…t-patch-notes/

did you mean update 1.4.3 ? I don’t see a 1.4.4 :slight_smile:

Yes changed it :slight_smile:

Hello there I have just purchased this and I was wondering if it is possible to use a destructable mesh for when harvesting rock resource similar to how the game ark survival does it, so each hit you would get some rock like how you have it now but at the end the rock breaks up instead of just disappearing ? Thanks

Hey, not by default. I did intend for this but the issue i had was that if destructible meshes intersect with the terrain it causes the destructible mesh to explode everywhere even when adjusting the settings of the destructible mesh.

So you would need so other set up that doesnt use APEX destruction for the rock breaking apart.

Lol yeah I had the same problem on my setup with the mesh’s exploding with the landscape just thought you might have had a better idea of getting it to work oh well, I noticed you have a video showing some setup with different weapons and you have a line trace for damage, I could use that to spawn particle effect on impact?

Yeah that would work fine

Thanks your survival kit has saved me a lot of time and work great product