[3O% OFF SALE] Survival Game Kit

This would save me alot of work! Very interested in giving this a buy!

How difficult would it be to convert this into a top down mouse driven game with WASD? As I’ve already got my world, Player and Animations!


It really depends on your ability with Blueprints, it is possible but isn’t something i have tried so i really know. But if you already have animation and a player setup i dont think it would be anything to difficult.

Hotfix 1.1.1

Patch notes - Survival Game Kit V1 – Patch Notes – Defuse Studios

Hotfix 1.1.2

Patch notes - https://defusestudios.com/support/su…t-patch-notes/


I’m having an issue where the upperbody goes into A-pose and scales up to a massive scale whenever I equip a holdable. Any idea what might cause this?

I noticed in the default anim graph when you preview the holding animation it does the same thing, but doesn’t do it in game. Could there be some communication issue with the holdable anims struct?

Update on my issue above. ^^^^^^^

I somehow managed to wipe out the animations set on every holdable. All I had to do is put all the animations back into the slots and it works fine now.

**New Video


[USER=“15702”]Defuse Studios[/USER]

I seen to have found a error with the Flash Light, when using it, the light is aimed behind the character not in front.
I have PM’ed you.

Any planned updates coming to this?
Just want to know before I dig deep into using this.

Thanks Once again on another awesome setup bud :slight_smile:
#1 fan

Hey there,

I just checked it out and it seams to be fine for me. but you can just go in to the flashlight bp and rotate the light to face the correct way.

No updates planned right now as im working on other projects at the moment.

[USER=“15702”]Defuse Studios[/USER]

I had to remove the whole thing (Uninstall it) the reinstall Still same problem.
I’m using 4.19.2 and No matter what I do it is same issue.

Edited: This does not happen in 4.18.

Fixed - Here are the values needed.


I think it is a version 4.19 issue. So I provided the info to help others.

Thanks Again.

Hey guys

The issue with the flashlight facing the wrong way on 4.19 will be fixed in the next hotfix.

Defuse Studios
What about the save system? “Load game”

What about it? If you load the game call the load save event from the save actor. That will load the world items and the player inventory component will do the rest.

Loading game occurs only when the level starts
How can I make it possible to load the game at any time?


Calling the load game on the save actor should do it so if you have some sort of menu button for loading the game you wall need to call that event.

Yes, I did, thanks. :slight_smile:

If build the project with full nativization, then at the start of the game, it will be a fatal error, how to fix it? :frowning: 4.19 \ 4.20 - fatal error 4.18 - ок

Could be an issue with you visual studio setup could you email me the error your getting at support@defusestudios.com

I sent, have any ideas?


Sorry your email got put in spam so i didn’t see it, thanks for letting me know im looking in to the issue at the moment to try and find whats wrong ill post back here when i have more info.

[SPOILER]I’m using Visual Studio 2017
It is fully customized and works.

This error is most likely in thein versions 4.19 and 4.20 - a fatal error after collecting the project with full blueprint nativization
in version 4.18 - everything is ok

What information is needed?