31.20 [Solved] UEFN Fix Validation Error pop up wont "Run"


When you get a validation error from the new validation checks
the popup Fix Validation errors does not do anything when you click “Run”

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open your UEFN project from 31.00 in 31.20
  2. Try and Launch your project. Validation error occurs
  3. The pop-up “Fix Validation errors” does not do anything when you click “Run”

Expected Result

The pop-up “Fix Validation errors” does “Run” when clicked

Observed Result

The popup “Fix Validation errors” does not do anything when you click “Run”


Windows 11 23H2

Additional Notes

This seems to have occurred in an earlier version but now validation is more strict Errors not Warnings this function will be used more

31.20 [Solved] UEFN Fix Validation Error pop up wont “Run”

Dont use this unless the output log has been checked for “Conform Texture” errors in the Output log first

see fix conforming

Legal obligation
Neither EPic or its agents are responsible for this procedure
This is NOT endorsed by Epic and there is NO WARRANTY.
This problem lies in YOUR PC in YOUR files and you are responsible for using this procedure.

The problem reported above can be fixed by clearing YOUR local temp file
which contains files going back to 29.60
Make sure you have restarted your PC

To fix this
download the UEFNfixRun2.txt file, confirm you do want to download this file to Windows Browser

UEFNfixRun2.txt (344 Bytes)

Type Windows key + R
In the box type “cmd”
Click ok, the windows batch console opens
cd %USERPROFILE%\downloads
ren UEFNfixRun2.txt UEFNfixRun.bat
now type UEFNfixRun.bat

You will see lots of files from old projects, potentially from 29.60, getting deleted
these files are causing conflicts with the latest UEFN from 30.00 onward

This area of pc is often hidden and cannot be seen in Windows File Explorer

The directories
are recreated when UEFN starts

The %USERPROFILE% is equivalent to C:\User\NAME where NAME is like OWNER

The commands are listed below

rem "C:\Users\OWNER\AppData\Local\UnrealEditorFortnite" 
echo on
cd %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\UnrealEditorFortnite\C:\Users\jimgi\AppData\Local\UnrealEditorFortnite\Intermediate
del/s/q *.*
cd %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\UnrealEditorFortnite\C:\Users\jimgi\AppData\Local\UnrealEditorFortnite\Saved
del/s/q *.*
echo off

Restart UEFN 31.20 and open your project
The new Validation errors will cause the popup to occur
Click “Run” and you will see UEFN scanning for errors and attempting to fix them

If this does not run check the output log for RED texture error messages

AssetCheck: Error: /HandsApart/Quests/expQUEST_BORDER   The height and width of this texture both need to be a power of 2 (for example, 128x256 or 512x1024) so that the texture can support streaming.
  Its current size is 1920x1080. Adjust the source image so that both height and width are powers of two and reimport the asset.
  To fix this automatically, right-click the asset and choose 'Conform Texture', or click 'Fix' below. (ValkyrieValidator_Textures) Fix: /HandsApart/Quests/expQUEST_BORDER
AssetCheck: Warning: Click here for more information regarding texture requirements

fix conforming

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