Power Of 2 Does not work

hi @KZRKevzter ,

From the release notes is the statement

UEFN offers a built-in way to make your texture sizes conform to UEFN requirements automatically. To do this:

  1. In the Content Browser, select one or more invalid textures.
  2. Right-click a texture thumbnail and choose Conform Texture from the menu.

The newly updated page for 31.20 is
Resizing Textures | Unreal Editor for Fortnite Documentation

Resize option A

On the project that I am working on. I used the Conform Texture fix and it works

AssetCheck: Error: /HandsApart/Quests/expQUEST_BORDER   The height and width of this texture both need to be a power of 2 (for example, 128x256 or 512x1024) so that the texture can support streaming.
  Its current size is 1920x1080. Adjust the source image so that both height and width are powers of two and reimport the asset.
  To fix this automatically, right-click the asset and choose 'Conform Texture', or click 'Fix' below. (ValkyrieValidator_Textures) Fix: /HandsApart/Quests/expQUEST_BORDER
AssetCheck: Warning: Click here for more information regarding texture requirements

For the first time now get project size in editor screen

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