I’m trying to make a stealth game with mechanics similar to Thief. I want the player to hide in the shadows, so I tried raycasting against light sources, but only works with dynamic lights. With static lights, sometimes the indirect lighting can light up an area, making my previous technique less realistic. I want enemies to be able to see the player if the amount of light at their position is bright enough for the enemy to see. The problem is, I don’t know how to do this. So, I’ve been searching around and found this from the UDK forums. I translated the visibility code into C++ and the UE4 API, but when I test it out, my code returns 0. Here’s my function in full:
float AAdNoctvmPlayerCharacter::GetLightingAmount()
FVector Loc = GetActorLocation();
FCollisionQueryParams Params = FCollisionQueryParams(FName(TEXT("LightTrace")), true, this);
float Result;
for (TActorIterator<APointLight> ActorItr(GetWorld()); ActorItr; ++ActorItr)
if (ActorItr->IsA(APointLight::StaticClass()))
PointLight = *ActorItr;
if (PointLight)
UPointLightComponent* LightComp = PointLight->PointLightComponent;
if (LightComp)
FVector End = PointLight->GetActorLocation();
float Distance = FVector::Dist(Loc, End);
float LightRadius = LightComp->AttenuationRadius;
bool bHit = GetWorld()->LineTraceTest(Loc, End, ECC_Visibility, Params);
if (Distance <= LightRadius && !bHit)
Result = FMath::Pow(1.0 - (Distance / LightRadius), (LightComp->LightFalloffExponent + 1) * (LightRadius * 1.25));
Result = FMath::Clamp(Result, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Result = 0.0f;
if (Result > 1.0f)
Result = 1.0f;
return Result;
Honestly, I have no idea what I’m doing with that equation. I just can’t find another way to do this. What’s wrong with it? Is there a better way to do this?