I signed up for subscription for Unreal Engine 4, but when I went to install it, an error message came up with error code 2738 and cancelled installation. Could really use help, thank you!
Hey Decyphur,
Have you tried redownloading Launcher? What are your machine specs / OS?
I’m getting same exact error. I’ve downloaded installer a second time, but that didn’t help.
My machine specs:
Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit)
Intel Core i5-2450M @ 2,5 GHz
I’ve installing from my Downloads folder, from desktop and from a flash drive. Same issue. Here’s log file generated by adding /L*V UnrealEngineInstallerLog.txt when executing installer.link text
Thank you for providing log, it was very helpful in finding issue. installer relies on VBScript which your computer is having difficulty accessing according to this line from your log: “DEBUG: Error 2738: Could not access VBScript runtime for custom action”
This means that it is probably not registered with Windows for some reason.
This might work for you:
- Microsoft Utility that will try to fix issue:
You could manually try to register VBScript dll files:
Make sure you have vbscript.dll in following folders:
%windir%\system32 (This is usually C:\windows\system32)
%windir%\syswow64 (This is usually C:\windows\syswow64)
Run cmd.exe with admin privileges. To do this, start a command prompt as Administrator (Start → type ‘cmd’ in search box and then right click on cmd.exe and select Run as Administrator. Click continue when prompted by User Account Control dialog.). Once you do this you should have a command prompt open in C:\windows\system32 (or something similar depending on where windows is installed but you want to be in folder that regsvr32.exe is located in)
Unregister vbscript by running these two commands one at a time in command prompt. You should see a confirmation after each run saying vbscript was unregistered.
regsvr32 /U %windir%\system32\vbscript.dll
regsvr32 /U %windir%\syswow64\vbscript.dll
Register vbscript by running these two commands one at a time. You should see confirmation after each run saying vbscript was successfully registered. NOTE: If you need to re-register vbscript.dll, be sure to run these in an elevated console on Windows Vista and newer with UAC enabled; otherwise, you’ll end up registering runtimes in HKCU and you don’t want that.
regsvr32 %windir%\system32\vbscript.dll
regsvr32 %windir%\syswow64\vbscript.dll
Run installer again. It should work now, if not you may need to restart your computer.
Another potential solution:
- There are some additional steps outlined in following thread: Link. Using info from this thread, was able to find reason he was seeing this issue.
“That thread actually helped. I was able to run installer after uninstalling Macafee.”
Thanks for quick response! I tried steps above with same result, unfortunately. I’ll try it again, generate log file and upload it again.
Thanks again!
Sorry solution above didn’t work for you. It may be that it is not complete. Looking at it now, I probably should have had you unregister first(just to be on safe side) before running register step. I probably also should have included x64 version too. I’ll update steps to be more clear and more complete. Any additional logs you provide would be
I am getting this error message when trying to run installer for unreal engine:
“installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package.
error code is 2738.”
I have tried redownloading installation files from unreal website. I have also tried this:
I have tried runnining installer from desktop.
I have also tried installing updates for windows on my computer.
Here are my computer specs:
Intel(R) CoreT™ i7-3610QM CPU @2.30Hz
RAM 8.00
64 bit
Windows 7
Service Pack 1
Please advise as to what I should do to be able install Unreal.
My dxdiag file:
Just to confirm, you tried registering both x86 and x64 vbscript.dll files? It would help to get your installer log. You can get this log by doing following:
Place msi on root of C drive
Start a cmd prompt as administrator (Start-> type cmd in search bar and right click cmd.exe and select Run as Administrator)
You should see a command prompt that says Administrator in title bar
Enter following command(be sure to replace ‘UnrealEngineInstaller.msi’ with actual msi file name):
msiexec /i C:\UnrealEngineInstaller.msi /L*V C:\UnrealEngineInstallerLog.txt
I have tried registering x64. How do I register x86?
In instructions above, you should see two individual commands under each step. Ex.
regsvr32 %windir%\system32\vbscript.dll
regsvr32 %windir%\syswow64\vbscript.dll
Yes, I tried registering x64 and x86. I unregistered and registered them as instructions gave before.
Here is log file it generates for installer log:
It looks like installer was not launched properly in log you provided so log file wont help in this case. If you used steps I posted for generating that log you might want to try it again with edits I made to steps. I had to make edits to my post for those users that do not have permissions to write files to root of drive.
Can you show me what you are referring to when you say
If you used steps I posted for
generating that log you might want to
try it again with edits I made to
Sure. I’ll just post it again. To get an installer log file you can do following:
Place msi on root of C drive
Start a cmd prompt as administrator (Start-> type cmd in search bar and right click cmd.exe and select Run as Administrator)
You should see a command prompt that says Administrator in title bar
Enter following command(be sure to replace ‘UnrealEngineInstaller.msi’ with actual msi file name):
msiexec /i C:\UnrealEngineInstaller.msi /L*V C:\UnrealEngineInstallerLog.txt
I did that and here is log I receive:
link text
That log that you got is msiexec telling us that command used to start launcher was not correct. In other words, launcher didn’t actually start. We’ll need to figure out which part of my instructions is having issue.
Can you tell me what installer is named on your computer?
Can you copy/paste exact command you used?
I’ve followed instructions above to unregister and then re-register both DLLs, but installer is still failing with same error message.
I’ve attached latest log.link text
I searched registry and only found vbscript under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive. I went ahead and ran utility anyway. Unfortunately, I’m still seeing same error as before.
BTW, I really appreciate quick response!