Zombies wont walk on elevated shark gallery terrain


zombies from creature spawner or creature placer wont walk on elevated shark gallery terrain! in creative 1.0,

Please select what you are reporting on:


What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

place shark gallery plain grass with what ever ramp or wood build for creatures to walk up and they wont walk on the grass, its fine if its on the ground but not when its 1 tile up

Expected Result

that they walk on the grass

Observed Result

the zombies wont walk on the grass i placed resized or not


pc creative 1.0

Additional Notes

agh!!! its so frustrating as im trying my best to make good games but nothing i want to do works!!! 4 - 4 of the last games wont work because of broken devices! i use Fortnite fulltime as my main income, its sooo frustrating! ive been creating for 4 years and always the same issue of devices not working, half of the game and income is from creative so why dont they spend the time and effort to fix things? i get you guys are doing your best but its not good enough to be honest they need more staff!

Thank you, we’ll take a look.

The status of FORT-787645 incident has been moved from ‘Needs Triage’ to ‘Ready for QA’. Resolution Reason: ‘Won’t Fix’

We’ve escalated this, updates to the ticket will be in the post above this one.