You can't paint fortnite foliage in UEFN...........

yeah so… you can’t paint foliage in UEFN using the foliage tool because the fortnite assets are not compatible with its tools. Trying to convert the Static Meshes to foliage compatible ones strips them of their properties (like leaf colour changes, hasBugs, leafFalling etc)


I’m curious about how to convert a prop into static meshes. Is this tree sourced from fab or elsewhere or it is converted prop?


it is a converted prop. You create a static mesh foliage actor, then inside of that actor, you can paste in the static mesh of an existing item (great if the prop is not really customisation, like a toilet)

to copy a static mesh, open up an instance of the asset you’re looking to copy, then look for its static mesh instance component, then right-click > copy > paste into the static mesh foliage actor.

hope this helps!

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Hi Robot,

Interesting workflow,

I was able to use it to paint some rocks and the rocks kept their materials.

When I tried to paint the Jungle Plant shown in your screenshot I noticed an error pop up in the bottom right.

LogMaterial: Warning: Material /Game/Athena/WinterArt/Materials/M_BaseSimple_4Layers.M_BaseSimple_4Layers missing bUsedWithInstancedStaticMeshes=True! Default Material will be used in game.

Focusing on “missing bUsedWithInstancedStaticMeshes=True”

The Foliage system uses InstancedStaticMeshes, since the material for that plant is inaccessible/locked/readonly that flag cant be changed.

The best I can come up with for now is using a different material in the ‘Override Materials’ section.

The LeafColor, Leaf Falling settings you’ve mentioned is a different can of worms. I think you’d need to use the PerInstanceCustomData node in the material graph for that functionality.

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Hi Astrotronic - thank you for the info!

I will try those workarounds and get back to you

how do I paste the static mess of the prop into the static mesh foliage actor