Yet another swarm coordinator not using agents question

I have the same problem mentioned here and probably here as in:
Swarm coordinator sees other computers, ping is working just fine, I only see the warning:

Failed to determine engine directory: Defaulting to ../../../Engine/

I also went through the wiki troubleshooting (although only the “UDK-Networking Swarm Agent” link has a reference to using multiple computers in spite of the “swarm” name)

Work just never gets assigned to other machines (and build times exceed 4h on octacore i7)

Any suggestions or other solutions?
I also noticed that the folders changed from 4.2/Engine/Binaries to Engine/4.11/Binaries. Seems very strange but maybe it’s looking in the wrong place?

Hello vimaxus,

Did you attempt the solution one user provided by disabling the Windows firewall and copying the UnrealLightmass.pdb file from the above thread to the proper folder?

Try enabling your verbose logging as well to see if you can decipher any more information about your issue as well.


Yes, the pdb replacement was done, that’s why I linked the question (“in the 2nd here”).

I just updated to the 4.11.1 and it works! yay! (have been trying for a long time). I still get the failed to determine engine directory warning.

The log (with superverbose) just said decided not to ping coordinator (coordinator responded correctly to a menu ping)
Anyway thanks, sorry for an extra question.

The “proper folder” was mentioned as Engine/4.2/Binaries/Win64 and now it’s 4.11/Engine/Binaries/Win64 right?.
Should I mark your reply as the response?

Nope, we can use your solution as the answer as there is more pertinent information for users in my initial comment.

Another small thing, would it be possible to NOT execute the swarm agent on the computer that lauches the build? UE4 already uses a huge amount of ram just with the scene opened and it would be nice to avoid slowing it down.

already tried (with no results):

AvoidLocalExecution=True but that for some reason makes it render only on the UE4 machine (the one where I choose Avoid…)


I do not know swarm agent well enough to say, but I can take a look at if this is possible.