Yet another FPS blueprint tutorial

Glad to hear that you are back on track :slight_smile:

So is the weapon 1 tutorial in the blog valid , or you will re-do that?

Nah, i fixed it, i also cloned the tutorial, which is what got me the problem (the startup node had to be connected aswell.

Thanks, i hope i dont get into something else xd.

Is this made on Gameinstance_bp ?

i cant call the “Custom Event: Start Game” in my “Menus - Level Blueprint Editor event graph”


Did you create it within the player controller?

Now that problem is fixed, i have another one, it seems like joining the session does actually nothing. (as far as i know everything is set up exactly how it should, the host joins the game, but the client who presses the server button does not, it just stays in the server list menu).

I can keep pressing that server button indefinitely, i added a print text at the end to see if it works and the commands are executed, but it doesnt get me ingame. I didnt add the map names to my menu (im not gonna use them), could that may be the problem? I doubt it. I set the host to start a map with a name i set and it does.

What i added for my script : players online, ping, gamemode & servername.

Edit: i added open level on the server button aswell, as a test, it opens the level, but both the host and the guest are alone and without a chat theres pretty much no way to test if its working or not unless both players show up.

Taerarenai… the way you explain things gives me a hint that you are not experienced with blueprints. Before starting to make a project, instead of copying and pasting and trying to understand. I would just study some useful math, solving problem techniques and blueprint tutorial videos (to see what some nodes do)…

I have SOME experience with them, but ofc im still learning, otherwise why would i follow tutorials ? o_O

Eh, i’ll figure it out somehow, thanks.

arbopa, make an account on trello so that you can divide the process of making the fps game on trello.
ie animation, Menus, weapon system, chat system, map, lighting, etc… Sort of like a guide to keep in track of the process. Maybe some things can be done before the weapon system.

That way you can focus on one area until there is a way to figure whatever the problem was.

You never said specifically which was the problem though. PM me details, see if I do some research later when I get free time :).

I have been using hacknPlan instead of trello. problem? huh? right now my only problem is work, by the time I am done for the day then do my time at the gym it is 11pm or midnight… so I have had zero free time for a while… still need to check my PM’s and questions earlier in the thread.

i am trying to get my main menu widget to appear with my background widget, except i cant get the main menu widget to appear! ive followed this tutorial 1000% accurately. do you see any problems between my BP’s and the tutorial, because i sure don’t


When i remove the “Leave_Current_State” it works fine! HMMMMM what could be the error?

Could it be because at this point in the tutorial, in the “Leave_Current_State Macro”, “Switch on main menu” doesnt have anything for “Main Menu” and nothing for “Startup”

are you following the PDF version? leave current state should have startup in the start_game, not main menu, this is in the text of the pdf tutorial. Perhaps I need to delete all the blog entries that are tutorial because everything that was fixed is in the PDF and it seems loads of people are following the old stuff.

yes im following the PDF

The PDF still has some unsolved stuff (such as that startup problem Major had). Ive encountered the same problem (a few posts ago), but i fixed it. Its an awesome tutorial, but most of the people will follow it blindly (such as myself, because you know way more than i do about UE BP’s and i figured “if he didnt connect that node, neither will i”) and that gives a bit of headache.

the startup problem became fixed once we added the Stuff for “Hide Main Menu” and “Startup” under the “Leave_Current_State” (can be found further down in the tutorial)

Host Game Error - Silly Mistake on my part???

I gotta say, this tutorial is one of the best and most educational ive run into on the forums! THANKS Arbopa!!!

sadly, I seem to have run into another issue. When running my game, i dont get any text showing up for my “Maps” but i believe everything is set up the way i was supposed to…HMMMMM

here is what i see when i run the game.

I feel the only place i could have gone wrong is in the Set_Map_Name_TXT macro here’s a pic of that event graph as well.

Thanks for taking a look guys :slight_smile:

Hello! Really excited about the tutorial! Thank you for putting in the time to make this tutorial. I feel like this is a tutorial series that Unreal Engine has needed for a while so I really appreciate it.

I have a problem. I have seen that others have also run into this same problem that I am having but no one has posted how they fixed it…they just stated that they fixed it on their own and that is it. I am at the beginning of the tutorial still and I am following the pdf not blog posts. On page 13 in part 1 it states that we should create custom events for displaying background and main menu as well as a start game event. It says on page 13 that we should create these in the event graph for player controller and then on page 20 it says that we have been creating these in game instance. So I am confused…Should these be created in player controller or game instance?

I created them in player controller like the pdf says and it displays my background but not my main menu when i press PIE. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I can post pictures if you would like me to.

id be happy to help
ill run you through it in a small video, pay close attention.>&s=9#.VpbM8hUrK70

(WHAT IM REMOVING IS Leave_Current_State)

^^ anyone know?