.xyz without name column ?

Hello everyone,

I’m starting RealityCapture
I have a .xyz file that contain this type of line : -.5 .5 50
I assume it’s x y alt,
No column name, no first line to ignore,
just many xyz point.

When I want to import it, I do not see the right format :

Could someone explain to me how it should be done ?

Thanks :wave:

PS : I don’t know if it’s the right category

Hi @Dylan_XMas
It is not possible to import point cloud into RealityCapture (I suppose you want to import point cloud as you wrote that there are many points).
The showed settings is for importing ground control points (is this what you want to do?). For that you need to know how the GCPs were measured and in which coordinate system. Have you created that file or was it sent to you?

It is indeed a point cloud

Yes the settings where from the “import ground controls points”, but I didn’t know what are ground controls points;
Sorry about that

And the coordinate system is already set to the correct one (wich is RGF93)

And yes it was sent to me*
It is for work, and what is needed is :

  • Receive Point Cloud
  • Shape them (into cube, building, whatever it is)
  • Convert it to FBX (guessing it’s the easiest)
  • Transfer it to UE
  • Use our program on it

Right now the point cloud are a small village and I was “oh, maybe I could use it with RC”
Well, you are saying it’s a no-no :frowning:

Thanks for you answer, I will keep searching how to do it :slight_smile:
Have a great day :wave:

Maybe this would work for your point cloud: Tutorial: Create Ordered Point Cloud From Unordered to get the mesh in RealityCapture.

I will look at that, thank you

Currently testing the Lidar Point Cloud Plugin