Xsens Metahuman Live Retarget Hand Issue

Hello! I’m currently developing a Live Metahuman Xsens thingy, and I’m having issues getting the finger data to track properly. As shown in the pictures, the fingers spread almost double the amount in MVN, and the thumb is more stretched than it should be.

Except for the TPosing done for the remap asset as explained in The Xsens Live Plugin Guide, there has been no changes done to the skeleton.

Hoping someone has any ideas for this, I’ve tried recalibrating and re-doing the setup process multiple times to no avail.

Pictures showing finger spread being off

Thumb being way out of place

Pic of remap asset with pose asset and more
Screenshot 2022-11-24 154243

Everything else about the remap works as wanted, but i really can’t get the fingers right… Help?

This might be of help,

Metahuman T Pose Asset for UE5.1 - YouTube

Just for anyone else reading this later, i did not find a fix for the issue. The T Pose Asset video above did sadly not help.

Please reply to this thread at a later time if a solution appears.

It might be that the default pose of the manequin hands is the issue, compared to the default pose of the Xsens character.
From the side images I can clearly see that the fingers spreading is way off on the Metahuman, ad the hand closed pose happens most likely from the joint twist values from Xsens.

I would try to change the Metahuman default pose ( in Maya, setting a new bind pose ) so that it will match more or less the same default pose as the Xsens character.
Alternatively you could do realtime tweakings inside the AnimBP in Unreal, where you can read the values from the gloves and set a predefined behaviour, like if the adjusting the joints twist based on the fingers curl value.
Or get in contact with Xsens or ask @Feeding_Wolves :smiley:

No might, that is exactly what it is. Bad retarget values.

Same thing on pretty much everything, rokoko, even vive, whatever other mocap comes in.

That’s literally because Epic likes to be different and uses an A pose.
After years of everyone telling them that it is against best practices, its clear they just dgaf…

On most LiveLink plugin you can easily fix this by feeding a custom 1 frame animation as the starting frame.

You then just move the skeleton that is expected (xsense default) to a DCC, load in your mesh, and match your mesh to the positions/rotations of the source as best you can.

Export as an animation, import in engine, hook it up. And you are usually good to go…

Thanks for the suggestions!
I’ll try your suggestions sometime soon, I’ll report back any findings

Hey! I have the same problem and can’t figure out it. Did you find the solution?

Months and months later… With the dawn of Unreal 5.2 just around the corner, we have yet to solve this issue. People everywhere have been uniting under the banner of crab thumbs. Is this the new normal for all. Potentially. With no solution in sight, we fear this may be the end.

Good luck comrades. May the first of us to solve this issue, go down in history as the Crab Thumb Killer.

I have made an APose MVNPuppet for easy regarting. Please feel free to use it.
You still have to export from MVNAnimate with default naming.
PS: Import the fbx file without selecting a skeleton
No finger seperation on crab thumb
Since the metahuman is in A pose and this one also no need put the metahuman to T pose