MVN Puppet T-pose vs All Other T-Poses?

Is the MVN Import Puppet T-Pose different than the Mixamo T-Pose? It appears the thumbs are different; pointed down in Mixamo and flat with MVN. I noticed other T-Poses are compatible with Mixamo, which seems to imply that the MVN T-Pose is different than all others.

I’m struggling to retarget MVN animation with Metahumans in Unreal. The MVN Import Puppet is T-Pose, and Epic uses an A-Pose for it’s Mannequin / IK Rig retargeting.

I tried iClone to import the FBX, and export in Unreal A-pose, but the thumbs always become twisted in iClone - which I’m assuming is due to inconsistencies with the T-Poses (see images)

Not sure why there isn’t a compatible skeleton between these, considering it’s one of the more affordable mo-cap products to work with Metahumans. The hand issues include wide spacing between fingers as per this posting: Xsens Metahuman Live Retarget Hand Issue - Development / Character & Animation - Epic Developer Community Forums (

Would love to find a solution! Thanks.

Kbirand created an A-Pose MVN Import Puppet - which I’m about to try and hope (fingers crossed) it solves all the aforementioned issues: Discord

Thanks in advance if it does!

Hello Sir! Can you share a link again, please?