XML enconding problem


I created, in c++, functions based on the XML libraries from Epic.

When a file is read, the characters on the blueprint debug show as having encoding problems.

I included in the XML the header :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

but it doesn’t work.

Do I need to add something?

bool UDatabaseManager::readXML(FString fileName)
	if (currentFile != nullptr) {
	FString path = FPaths::GameDir() + FString("Content/A_RTS/UnitInfo/") + fileName + ".xml";
	filePath = path;
	currentFile = new FXmlFile(*path);
	if (currentFile->IsValid()) {
		fileLoaded = true;
		return true;
	fileLoaded = false;
	return false;

bool UDatabaseManager::saveXML()
	if (fileLoaded) {
		return currentFile->Save(*filePath);
	return false;

bool UDatabaseManager::addChildNode(FString parent, FString newTag, FString newValue)
	if (fileLoaded) {
		FXmlNode* root = currentFile->GetRootNode();
		root->FindChildNode(parent)->AppendChildNode(newTag, newValue);
		return true;
	return false;

bool UDatabaseManager::removeChildNode(FString parent, FString tagToRemove)
	if (fileLoaded) {
		FXmlNode* root = currentFile->GetRootNode();
		FXmlNode* parentNode = root->FindChildNode(parent);
		TArray<FXmlNode*> parentsChildren = parentNode->GetChildrenNodes();
		FXmlNode* toRemove = parentNode->FindChildNode(tagToRemove);
		if (toRemove != nullptr) {
			if (parentsChildren.Find(toRemove) == INDEX_NONE) {
				return true;
			else {
				return false;

		return true;
	return false;

TArray<FString> UDatabaseManager::listObjectsName()
	TArray<FString> toReturn;
	if (fileLoaded) {
		FXmlNode* root = currentFile->GetRootNode();
		TArray<FXmlNode*> children = root->GetChildrenNodes();
		for (FXmlNode* node : children) {
		return toReturn;
	return toReturn;

TArray<UObjectAttribute*> UDatabaseManager::listObjectChildrens(FString name)
	TArray<UObjectAttribute*> toReturn;
	if (fileLoaded) {
		FXmlNode* target = currentFile->GetRootNode()->FindChildNode(name);
		if (target != nullptr) {
			TArray <FXmlNode*> characteristics = target->GetChildrenNodes();

			for (FXmlNode* node : characteristics) {
				UObjectAttribute * newAttb = NewObject<UObjectAttribute>();
				if (node->GetChildrenNodes().Num() > 0) { // has children
					for (FXmlNode* child : node->GetChildrenNodes()) {
						UObjectAttribute * temp = NewObject<UObjectAttribute>();
						temp->attbName = child->GetTag();
						if (child->GetChildrenNodes().Num() > 0) {
							temp->childs = listObjectChildrensWithRoot(child->GetTag(), node);
						else {
							temp->attbValue = child->GetContent();

				newAttb->attbName = node->GetTag();
				newAttb->attbValue = node->GetContent();
			return toReturn;
	return toReturn;

TArray<UObjectAttribute*> UDatabaseManager::getObjectDetails(FString name)
	TArray<UObjectAttribute*> toReturn;
	if (fileLoaded) {
		FXmlNode* target = currentFile->GetRootNode()->FindChildNode(name);
		if (target != nullptr) {

			TArray <FXmlNode*> characteristics = target->GetChildrenNodes();
			if (characteristics.Num() != 0) {
				for (FXmlNode* node : characteristics) {
					UObjectAttribute * newAttb = NewObject<UObjectAttribute>();
					if (node->GetChildrenNodes().Num() > 0) { // has children
						for (FXmlNode* child : node->GetChildrenNodes()) {
							UObjectAttribute * temp = NewObject<UObjectAttribute>();
							temp->attbName = child->GetTag();
							if (child->GetChildrenNodes().Num() > 0) {
								temp->childs = listObjectChildrensWithRoot(child->GetTag(), node);
							else {
								temp->attbValue = child->GetContent();

					newAttb->attbName = node->GetTag();
					newAttb->attbValue = node->GetContent();
			else {
				UObjectAttribute * temp = NewObject<UObjectAttribute>();
				temp->attbName = target->GetTag();
				temp->attbValue = target->GetContent();

		return toReturn;
	return toReturn;

//parent at root node?
TArray<UObjectAttribute*> UDatabaseManager::listObjectChildrensWithRoot(FString name, FXmlNode * parent) {
	TArray<UObjectAttribute*> toReturn;
	if (fileLoaded) {
		FXmlNode* target = parent->FindChildNode(name);
		if (target != nullptr) {
			TArray <FXmlNode*> characteristics = target->GetChildrenNodes();

			for (FXmlNode* node : characteristics) {
				UObjectAttribute * newAttb = NewObject<UObjectAttribute>();
				if (node->GetChildrenNodes().Num() > 0) { // has children
					for (FXmlNode* child : node->GetChildrenNodes()) {
						UObjectAttribute * temp = NewObject<UObjectAttribute>();
						temp->attbName = child->GetTag();
						if (child->GetChildrenNodes().Num() > 0) {
							temp->childs = listObjectChildrensWithRoot(child->GetTag(),node);
						else {
							temp->attbValue = child->GetContent();

				newAttb->attbName = node->GetTag();
				newAttb->attbValue = node->GetContent();
		return toReturn;
	return toReturn;

Blueprint debugger:


Can anyone help me?