If you using iOS then definitely, in fact UE4 supports project generation for it, not sure if there any pros and cons of it, i think Xcode compiler should be better for iOS. But you can use any IDE as long as you have VS or other compiler installed, by using UBT command lines (look up Build.bat etc.) as custom build commands
Can I use Xcode instead of VStudio for c++…if yes, than can you tell me pros and cons for both…and which VStudio version is compatible with UE4 4.15.0 ( latest version)
Thank You for helping me
Both are officially supported by Epic. The thing is VS is maintained by Microsoft and only available for their OS the same thing goes for Xcode which is from Apple and only works on Mac´s and is mostly used for iOS and Mac development.
If you are not considering to deploy your project to the Apple environment then use VS2015 which is the current Visual Studio version supported by epic. It´s better suited for c++ projects than Xcode and supports a better code completion. But if you have a mac and if you dont want to leave its eco system then take the extra hassle and setup your UE4 project with the CLion IDE.
Any other IDE/text editor for UE4 for Mac and also free because I am 13 years old trying to learn…
Download Xcode through Mac App Store then or install Windows through Bootcamp for Visual Studio, it´s up to. You have to build your UE4 Project therefore there is no way around an IDE.
Visual Studio Code work fine in Mac too. But the new UE4.21 comes with a better support for Xcode now.
However the VSC 2018 is supported by UE4.21?
The Visual Studio for Mac community only supports C #.
Visual Studio code does not have a plugin for UE 4.21
For Mac, you can use Xcode or CLion. Both have pros and cons, but Xcode is free!
The link for CLion is