xcode + imported project

I built a project in Windows. I’m trying to test that project on iOS. I have a C++ plugin in my project. It is tested as fully functional and working on Windows and Android.

Building the iOS target in Windows complains about a missing project file. Other answers indicate that I must build this project in OSX / Xcode

So, I’m on a mac OSX 10.11.5, I installed Xcode 7.3, Unreal Editor 4.11.2, and copied my windows project.

  1. Double clicking my uproject prompts me to build binaries. I say yes, it builds for a bit, fails and then promptly hides the log I need to solve that problem.
  • ??How do I access that log?? It is not in the ./Saved/Logs subfolder
  1. The next popup says “XXXX could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually”
  • ??How do I do that??

Basically, I need step zero. How do I load this project into Xcode? How do I see the compile output so that I can actually discover and fix whatever my compile issue is?
Trying to load the project from the Unreal Launcher simply repeats the errors above.

Hey pgilmore-

Opening the .cxworkspace file should open the project source in Xcode. If you then build through Xcode, it should return any errors in the project that are preventing it from compiling successfully.


There was no .cxworkspace file, since I imported a windows project. However, I figured out how to generate the xcode project. Right click on the .uproject file, and generate xcode project. Together, I found the error. Thanks!