Xcode does not allow to target any scheme

I’ve recently started working in UE and then it forced me to use Xcode. When i came to the point of building my project, I’ve realised that I have no schemes and that I can’t target anything. Anyone know the fix for this?
PS: I am on OS X

Hello Bogdanian,

What version of OSX and Xcode are you using? I’ve never seen this issue personally but I’ll look into it and let you know if I find anything.

We haven’t heard from you in a while, Bogdanian. Are you still experiencing this issue? If so, let me know the information I inquired about in the previous comment. In the meantime, I’ll be marking this question as resolved for tracking purposes.

Sorry for a long reply,
The OS X is 10.10.5
and the XCode is 7.2

From other reports, it seems like this is sometimes an issue of opening the incorrect file. Are you opening the .xcworkspace file? If so, try opening the .xcodeproj file instead and the schemes should be visible.