Getting all these errors with xcode 9 on 4.18 build from github source.
Cook: LogMetalShaderCompiler: Warning: Installed Xcode’s metal shader compiler is too old, please update Xcode on this Mac. Falling back to online compiled text shaders which will be slower.
Mac users FPS went down from 25 to 5 fps until I switched back to xcode 8.33 and rebuilt the game.
Please fix this before the unreal engine 4.18 final build goes live.
Well, THAT didn’t happen. I’m on 3mb max download. I get to wait another 5 hours to get back my old Xcode, and what will THAT do to High Sierra? Mac Pro (2013) 64gb ram.
Hi UE Team
I can not use XCode 9 with UE4.18 to successfully install on IOS 11.
Can deploy to IOS but then crashes and still receive the warning as mentioned above.
Is there a fix for this?
I am having an issue (related?) with 4.18.3 It seems all shaders are not showing after build to iOS 11 after updating to Xcode 9 and updating ue4 from 4.17.3. Is this due to newest Xcode not having support?
This issue may be fixed now. My project built with 4.18.3 and Xcode 9.2. I needed to do a full rebuild in project settings to get things back to working order. (using metal 2.0)
I had this issue after installing homebrew. In Xcode, go to Preferences → Locations and make sure that Command Line Tools is actually selected. For some reason it got unselected for me when I installed homebrew.
I had this issue after installing homebrew. In Xcode, go to Preferences → Locations and make sure that Command Line Tools is actually selected. For some reason it got unselected for me when I installed homebrew.