Xbox One - Assertion failed: HasFoundDataDirectory


Until recently I was able to deploy on the fly to the Xbox One console, but now I’m suddenly receiving the following issue and unable to continue with deployment:

Assertion failed: HasFoundDataDirectory [File:C:\SVN\UnrealEngine4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Internationalization\ICUInternationalization.cpp] [Line: 128] 
ICU data directory was not discovered:
QUBE.exe has triggered a breakpoint.

I’ve tried completely redownloading my project from our source control to ensure it wasn’t a local change causing the issue, but unfortunately I’m still not able to continue on-the-fly deployment due to the error above. The IDE hits the ICU breakpoint and is unable to continue.

Does anyone know what could be causing this? I’ve searched the AnswerHub but finding no solutions.


You probably won’t get answer and you probably should not post this question here, because both PS4 and Xbox One SDK related stuff is under NDA. Post you problem in special forum section for console development section, if your Epic account is not registered as console developer here what you need to do:

Hey ,

Just posted the same issue on the forum too.
