I swear to god…
Alright, new one:
I have a CPP event that when assigned/binded in a BP says:
EventOnThrowGrapple_Event Signature Error: The function/event ‘EventOnThrowGrapple_Event’ does not match the necessary signature - has the delegate or function/event changed?
When and only when it is cabled to something that executes.
Here’s what I do in images:
How i assign:
When its assigned and compiled (no errors so far)
Error pops up only when I cable to (1), (2) warns nothing.
Here’s how the event is declared in cpp.
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FEventDelegate_AGrapplinHook_OnThrowGrapple, AGrapplingHook*, self);
class TPSMPPG_API AGrapplingHook : public AActor
/>>__________ EVENTS __________<</
UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category = “Event Suscribers”)
FEventDelegate_AGrapplinHook_OnThrowGrapple EventOnThrowGrapple;(more stuff)
For the love of god, what am i doing wrong?