Wrong png filenames when rendering from Sequencer

We have noticed that when to render to png the name of resulting frames is not always correct.

Here are the steps to reproduce the problem:

  • In Unreal 4.15.1, create a new Blueprint project - Blank - No Starter Content
  • Add a cube in the scene
  • Click “Cinematics” - “Add Master Sequence” - “Number Of Shots”=3 - “Create Master Sequence”
  • In the Sequence Master, reduce each shot to be only 2 frame long.
  • In the Sequence Master, click on the Render Icon
  • In Render Movie Settings window, set “Output Format” = “image Sequence (png)”
  • In Render Movie Settings window, set “Filename Format” = {shot}_{frame}
  • In Render Movie Settings window, click “Capture Movie”, “Save Selected”, “Save”

The resulting file names are:

  • shot0010_001_0000.png
  • shot0010_001_0001.png
  • shot0020_001_0002.png
  • shot0020_001_0003.png
  • shot0020_001_0004.png … We would expect it to be named shot0030_001_0004.png
  • shot0030_001_0005.png
  • shot0030_001_0006.png … This frame is not part of our shots, so we ignore it

As we can see, there are 3 frames in shot 0020, while in Sequencer we see only two frames for that shot.

It looks to us that the problem may be in ULevelSequencePlayer::TakeFrameSnapshot().
We have locally replaced the following logic:

if (Section->IsActive() && Section->GetRange().Contains(CurrentTime) && (!ActiveShot || Section->GetRowIndex() < ActiveShot->GetRowIndex()))


if (Section->IsActive() && (Section->GetRange().GetUpperBoundValue() - CurrentTime > 0.00833f /*half the current framerate*/) && (!ActiveShot || Section->GetRowIndex() < ActiveShot->GetRowIndex()))

and with that modification the files are named as expected.

Hey Sebastien,

I’m unable to reproduce this in 4.15.2. I’ve got it set up exactly like you do, but I can’t seem to get it to render 3 frames for shot 2.

Can you send an example project that reproduces this? There might be something unique in your project that I’m missing. Maybe Start/End Time.

@W: I downloaded 4.15.2 and opened my RenderIssue.uproject.
I have done “Capture Movie” and got my problem (3 frames in shot0002).
I will send you a link to my RenderIssue project in the next hours.

The project is at https://we.tl/N4R4gRbhDR

Hey Sebastien,

Apologies for the delay, but it appears your project is no longer available on the download link.

Hi ,

How do you suggest that I provide you my project?
Do you have a FTP site or something like that?


Hey Sebastien,

You can share with google drive. I just think the link you sent had expired. We’re working through a large backlog right now, so responses have been a little sparse from us.

Hi ,
I have put my May 12th project for 4.15.2 in a zip on google drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7FirqO2_YVHVjdIX184WHUybjg
The pngs are inside “RenderIssue 4.15.2\Saved\VideoCaptures”

  • Sebastien Binet