Hello, I’m trying to use the Epic Online subsystem, when I set up everything and wanted to create a session or use the overlay, I noticed that does not work.
IOnlineIdentityPtr Identity = OnlineSubsystem->GetIdentityInterface()
FString Token = Identity->GetAuthToken(0);
FText OS = OnlineSubsystem->GetOnlineServiceName();
FString SOS = OS.ToString();
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT(“Token: %s”), *Token);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT(“Online Subsystem: %s”), *SOS);
I tried with this code to find the error and always get in the log the response of the OnlineSubsystemNull (Token: DummyAuthTicket, Online Subsystem: Null). Actually I thought that if I set this code in Config/DefaultEngine.ini, UE will use the correct online subsystem, but apparently not.
How do I solve this?