Wrong "Navigation Invokers" working

I want to make large world. But “Generate Navigation Only Around Navigation Invokers” works wrong. I set it, but NavMesh recalculate stats each time i move scene objects.
Look at

This zone hasn’t navigation. It works correctly cause scene hasn’t “Invokers”. But…

Simple moving of mesh triggers navigation recalculation.

This logic ruins the working with level. And how it will work in packaged project?

I would appreciate any advice on how to solve this problem.
Thank you.

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Have you put any invoker component to any actor?

No. I did this for example. Navmesh updates out of invoker distance.

Today had some experiments with navmesh generation, haven’t seen issues with this case
ezgif.com-video-to-gif (2)
I have the opposite problem, the navmesh doesn’t always update.

Ok, i solved my problem. Just need to make “Runtime Generation” is Dynamic :confused: