Wrong GPU is taking the load

I have two graphics cards on my pc , gtx 1060 and 1070. I do not wish that they should work together but only my 1060 take all the load and 1070 take very little.



The reason why I have both cards in my pc because my game resolution is 9600x1080. So I have to use five monitors.
How can I change the primary gpu for rendering from 1060 to 1070

If you are using the editor and not a packaged build then youo can change the r.GraphicsAdapter in the ConsoleVariables.ini file. You’ll have to uncomment it and then set it to whichever gpu you want to use

Thank you.
I use r.GraphicsAdapter=1 and then it works properly for editor and standalone.
Is there any way to make this work for the packaged project too?

Unfortunately not that I know of as I am going around asking that exact same question to people and no one has given me an answer yet :frowning:

Why it is not being solved? It is still an issue in 2025. No other apps have such issue but only UE based apps and games.

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