I have enabled World Position Offset Disable Distance for my foliage instance meshes, and it works as expected in the viewport. But when I go into play mode, it stops working and the WPO is never disabled.
I tried testing with a super low number, and it had zero effect.
EDIT: it works fine with regular actors. If i add the identiacal mesh as a regular actor to the scene and set it’s WPO disable distance settings there, it works as expected. This issue only happens with instanced static mesh foliage.
I’m sure I’ve run across similar behavior, but I just tested it again here to see if I could reproduce - but I couldn’t get it to fail this time around (shadows denote WPO has moved foliage instance up in the z dimension) the snapshot is in PIE in separate viewport.
That test is in 5.2.1 - maybe try reproducing it in as simple a project as possible, and change this posts type to “bug” listing the steps to reproduce?
good idea, a quick test i did with same assets, in the same project but in a clean level resulted correct results - so this is about something in my main level, not the assets or the feature itself.
i will dig deeper and report whatever i find.
also, the issue you mentioned seems like it could be related to shadow projection distance, or shadow culling distance? i don’t know.
Solved it! Turns out it’s about World Partition.
I had World Partition enabled in the level, and i had the InstancedFoliageActors´ RuntimeGrid section set as “MainGrid”.
As you can see in the image: