Would like to know more about spell use, if it would be possible to make different spell and skill types, to use in game.
Mby also make fast pace game type. I’m not saying same game, just with similar gameplay.
I did see some YouTube videos, but they only covered visuals, so im more interested in skill and pvp part… If anyone knows…
Also if mb i would want to after get console tools, if it would be possible to release on console
tl;dr: please don’t make another WoW like game. This is a running joke.
Would it be possible to make Wow
similar RPG with unreal engine
Yes. But you’ll need several hundred experienced people, several hundred millions of dollars, and several years. And then you have a chance to succeed.
C’mon, if you need to ask a question like this, you aren’t ready.
Wouldn’t it better to try and make a tiny, unique RPG with 8 people multiplayer, team PvP mayhap? If you start today, you may get a working prototype in what, 3-4 years? Impress someone, get funding, push it further, release, save $£$, make a sequel, release, fail, be forever grateful you did not make another WoW now that you know better. Still a Win-Win-Win scenario.
Whatever you learn will be exceptionally valuable & transferrable into any future endeavours.
Take it or leave it.
Good luck.
Wow was quite a good game. I was more talking about pvp aspect. But yes 8 player pvp possibly is good idea. I don’t think any big project, for first one something small. Yes im not ready, that’s why i was only asking… I have some good ideas, so just was curious, more about spell mechanics. But yes, guess if u invest time and create… It could be possible…
If the question was:
Can I make a small scale multiplayer
game with snazzy spells and PvP?
Yeah, you can. You can definitely make a better looking game, a game that plays and feels nice (perhaps even as nice), and a game with way more advanced spell mechanics and player movement. Interestingly enough this aspect of WoW is actually simplistic in nature. WoW is fun because of how incredibly well its simple core aspects are implemented.
There’s nothing in WoW’s spell system that cannot be recreated - admittedly I haven’t played since Burning Legion or whatshername so maybe they have something game changing.
It’s the colossal networking part that is really tough, verging on impossible for a solo dev.
Keep it small and focus on the key, must-have features.