Would it be possible to get some explanation for Async Asset Loading?

I have seen the docs about Async Asset Loading, but I’m getting lost into something.

First thing I noticed I’m getting troubles on stablish a “working” Singleton from which I could get the same behaviour from the example it’s using:

 UGameGlobals::Get( ).StreamableManager;

I think that probably it refers to a FStreamableManager, but I have tried to declare it on most diverse ways…

FStreamableManager AssetLoader;

FStreamableManager& AssetLoader;

FStreamableManager* AssetLoader;

But all caused Breaks or Compiler Errors, also when trying assign a Singleton Singleton::Get( ) method the compiler also shoots errors since I have no idea about how to declare this object “Unreal Compliant Way”, I thought about return a “Singleton&” filled with “this” on construction (.cpp), but “this” is a *const and I could get a casting to work. :frowning:

I noticed that most classes on the engine code that presents Get( ) methods are FSTRUCTS and not UOBJECTS, and since on Singleton assigning just UObjects are shown on the class pick window on the editor I’m really lost.

So, my only request about this is:
There is any chance of include also the UGameGlobals.h and .cpp (if exists) to download on that document page or posted as answer here please?

Some clarification about this from community would also help a lot. :wink:

Thank you!

*As a sidenote I already did all the TArray from TAssetPtrs integration on the editor and it’s working great, will be sad if I couldn’t use this to my character’s parts. :frowning:

We can get a Singleton sample from that new FP Shooter C++ game from Marketplace, well, at least now we know were to put a Streamable Manager. :smiley:

I did it!

In UE5 it’s

