World To Meters Scale for ARKit / iOS was broken in UE4 - still broken in UE5


I’ve been developing an AR puzzle platformer on iOS, where we have built characters and environments with typical in-game sizes (e.g. characters are approximately 170cm tall, doorways are 200cm tall, etc…) and then use the World To Meters in the World Settings to shrink them down so that the environment appears as a diorama that you can walk around.

The game was developed this way because (early on), we found that the player controllers and physics have erratic behaviour if we modelled the environments as tiny dioramas with 7cm tall characters.

This World To Meters scale method has worked in VR (Rift and Quest) and AR on Android. It was never implemented in iOS.

Previously, I’ve had to build the engine from source and hard code the World To Meters scale to get it working correctly in iOS. This is an unacceptable solution when deaIing with multiple projects, and implementing it myself is out of the question as UE5 (and UE4) is horribly integrated with XCode, with no code-completion or Intellisense, or the ability to jump to function implementations.

I was hoping that this would be finally fixed in UE5 but it does not appear to be the case.

I guess the questions I have are:

  1. Will the World To Meters scale for ARKit / iOS ever be fixed?
  2. If not, then will the new OpenXR framework supersede this and fix it for AR on iOS devices?
  3. Failing that - has anyone else come across this problem and come up with a solution that does not involve scaling all the objects at runtime?

Thanks in advance for any help or insights.

  1. We have no timeline to share in regards to that specific bug.
  2. There’s no roadmap for when OpenXR will support Hand Held Augmented reality. Could very likely be years from now.

Sorry, I missed the notification. Thanks for your reply.

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Out of curiosity, why is this marked “Solved”? Answered, sure, but solved? The answer literally states that it isn’t supported yet, and may be years if ever. When I see the “solved” badge for a topic that is of interest to me, I look to see what the solution may be. This is not a solution.

It’s been broken for years. It’s going to be broken for years to come. The solution is to basically look elsewhere and stop hoping that it’ll fixed by someone at Epic.

OK, fair enough.