World Patrition nav mesh generation impossible?


From long time, I see others have problem like my - can’t generate nav mesh in partition world.

We have many new engine versions from time, since other users report it. For example here, but not only Why is my world-partitioned NavMesh only being generated partially? - #3 by zhenghzzz1

I work with UE 5.2.1 but as I see, even in 5.4 this problem still exists.

I tried many ways, but still no way to generate nav mesh, ai can’t work and walkd. Nav mesh is generated only around map 0,0,0 with random results.

Do I really not know how to set it up and do it correctly, or does Epic simply ignore such a key functionality?

Below is a screenshot of my project settings, I cannot enable or disable the nav mesh settings for the world partition. I can turn it on in the nav mesh, but it still doesn’t help.

Thank you in advance for any help!

As I see nav mesh generation without problems in empty project - open world. I have different setup, my world is generated to world partition