Everyone talking about how to pus static object in Open World map but nobody is talking about dynamic. There are tutorials in documentation on how to place static objects in world partition which is nice, but for players more important are dynamic objects and I can not find any info about that.
To be more specific i have 2 type of dynamic objects:
- Unmovable object that runs a script (like spawning random actor)
- Movable object that was created dynamically.
What tools Unreal has to solve this problems?
1st case: when object loaded by engine [partition] running this script. But if player goes away and comes back that object gets loaded again and runs script again. Any idea how to prevent it? I can save some info about that object in game state and read it but that doesn’t seems right. But doesn’t unreal has tools for that?
2st case: Moving object (like guns that player drops on floor) simply falls through world if you get to far. May be there is a may to detect that a partition was loaded/unloaded so movement that object can be disabled? Like an event form world partition system?
I believe Fortnite just keeps everything loaded on the server entire session?