(World Partition) Changing the Loading Range and Cell Size Seem to not work.

Changing the Cell Size and Loading range in world settings seems to have 0 effect. Just seems like the default cell size and loading range get applied regardless.

This is making it even harder to deal with the 100k Memory Cap.

Is there any known information on this or when it will be fixed?

Doesn’t matter what project I’m in this happens 100% of the time.

@Jeremy_Choud Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here? Fortnite Creative

Absolutely. My apologies just saw this.

I will provide the logs when I can authenticate after 24.40 goes live.

I no longer seem to be having the issue after 24.40 for some reason. Not sure what was going on.