Found out that if I enable streaming in world settings then disable it all static meshes that became “(unloaded)” are reloaded properly. Hopefully this bug gets fixed next update.
Here posting too to keep this alive. I’m encountering the same bug in my 15kmx15km map in UE5.1; a few tiles are missing, and the bug is also present in the build version too. I tried the “Enable streaming” ticking off, the tile worked but crashed the editor, because of memory went full ofc.
Does anyone know a better solution for this? Or is it still a bug? I
Could you explain this a bit more? My engine gets like 3fps with a large-ish landscape. Especially in landscape mode.
Also im trying to world partition but my selected regions won’t unload. No part of my map disappears no matter what i do. Does anybody know a solution yet?
In theory, the same shape should follow you around to the nearest smallest level - that would be what a properly working system should “work” like - obviously even the edges shouldn’t be loaded in either…
consider a “tile” as each square-ish hole.
are there other designs if you have time to keep upgrade flow:
: this is a cross email| does the code have secure value and can it upgrade
I’m having the original issue with static mesh actors in Unreal 5.2. This solution works for me, but I am concerned that there may be a performance hit for using it.
September 15, 2024, engine version 5.4.4 the problem has not been fixed, World Partition is still not working correctly.
I’ve encountered same problems in UE5.4 recently, some actors migrated from world composition levels won’t be unloaded in our world partition level. But I finally found that after resaving all of these actors, everything goes well for now. It seems these actors from other levels lacked correct position data in WP system, and the resaving process just make’em up. Idk if it works for you, just FYI.