World Partition - Cannot delete unloaded actors

Had the issue today on UE5.0 after renaming an asset content folder. Not sure why but only one actor had that issue.

As stated on previous posts, the core issue is that a reference is broken and there is no way to update that reference. Only solution for me was to try to delete it and was able to.

Here’s the way I fixed it:

  • In the Outliner, right click on the column header and display the “Package Short Name”. You should have something like this:

  • This “package short name” is the name of the uasset file on disk. Look for that file on your disk. It should be located in a subfolder of your map, something like: MyMap\1\U5\S8C5WQEZZM4QDJBNLPRW6E.uasset
    You’ll have to search in which subfolder exactly (I recommend using “Everything” made by voidtools).

  • Replace that file by copying another uasset (just use one in the same or neighbor folder). Maybe deleting the file works but I didn’t try it.

  • Reload your map, now it should be able to load the asset since it will try to load something that does not have a broken reference. You should be able to delete it. In my case it was already gone for some reason…

Hope that will help.