World Partition - Cannot delete unloaded actors

What is also strange is that at one point structures that consist of individual components fall apart and I get a load error and at another point I have to delete objects several times and they are always present again at the next restart.

Addendum in the UE5.1. pre there is a button that should solve the problems, but when I click on it cash the UE5

yip i find it very annoying too, and there is soooo much more breaking bug in ue5 that make working with it for customers almost impossible. But the worse thing of it, we already started working with it and we are stumbling from one bug to the next, it is in fact so unstable and bugged that it shouldn´t be out of preview!!! It is still in such an experimental state, it´s very frustrating.

Yes i can confirm that this is happening to me too. I am constantly loosing work and everything collapses after several hours of work, it is not usable at all, even without world partition. Unreal 5 is so ■■■■ broken at the moment, i hope they will fix this very very soon!

Did anyone make a bugrerport for this already?

I didn’t report it yet…
The reason is that it is not reproducible on my side. I have retried this many times with the following procedure: I made a fresh ThirdPerson project, then opened the map and deleted all actors. Then i saved and waited for some time. The result was: nothing…

The bug is very real as we encounter it a lot of times in our project. Unfortunately i wasn’t able to isolate it in it’s simplest form. So in the end am not sure what is causing this bug.

Yip it is really hard to reproduce, i´m also not able to figure out when this occurs, but it happens frequently and in all projects.

So, if you still have the loading errors in UE5.1.0, you can only fix it there by saving the project under a new save state. The button to fix the error triggers a crash for me.

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Had the issue today on UE5.0 after renaming an asset content folder. Not sure why but only one actor had that issue.

As stated on previous posts, the core issue is that a reference is broken and there is no way to update that reference. Only solution for me was to try to delete it and was able to.

Here’s the way I fixed it:

  • In the Outliner, right click on the column header and display the “Package Short Name”. You should have something like this:

  • This “package short name” is the name of the uasset file on disk. Look for that file on your disk. It should be located in a subfolder of your map, something like: MyMap\1\U5\S8C5WQEZZM4QDJBNLPRW6E.uasset
    You’ll have to search in which subfolder exactly (I recommend using “Everything” made by voidtools).

  • Replace that file by copying another uasset (just use one in the same or neighbor folder). Maybe deleting the file works but I didn’t try it.

  • Reload your map, now it should be able to load the asset since it will try to load something that does not have a broken reference. You should be able to delete it. In my case it was already gone for some reason…

Hope that will help.


Works so far.

Thanks Oya-san Deleting the file works fine, no need to replace it.

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I seem to have fixed this issue. I am using UE5. I was having the same problem with a file I had that had been corrupted and would not show up or allow selection in any way. The errors it was showing were the same as the images from ThalesMML. I also had another error that was showing up above that list, saying the aforementioned file was possibly corrupted. The actor would not load no matter what I did. This error was happening in a project that I was working on for school, and it was a component that I had created a couple of weeks prior that was corrupted. There was also no way to access the file in the content explorer as it was not showing up there. To get the actor to be able to be deleted, I started by deleting the component file that was corrupted with the editor closed. then i ended up having to go back through the tutorial for creating the elevator component, while using the same names for everything in the blueprint. After that was completed, I compiled then saved and brought the newly created component into the ThirdPersonMap level which was where i was having this issue. After it was in the viewport, I selected the option to play the game in the new editor window (PIE). Once that was opened I could see there were two of the blueprint in the played viewport, so with that open and moved to the side, I went to tools, then debug and then blueprint debugger. From there i selected the ElevatorComponent_Blueprint so that it could debug that blueprint and it was showing that i had 3 of them in the level. I looked through the settings of each as they were accessable now with the blueprint debugger and played viewport to the side. Once i was able to select the blueprint, I deleted them both from the outliner and without exiting from any of it, i went to file>>Save All, then closed the editor out and reopened the project. Once that was done the errors were gone and the elevator components unloaded actor that was previously un interactable was now gone and i had a working one.

this works!

Thank you :slight_smile:

Thank you! This worked for me.

The Nav mesh is my issue. I recreated, removed, restarted, duplicated the map. Nothing seems to work. Never had this issue before.

I would like to know how to fix it. My AI doesn’t move anywhere due to this unloaded actor.

So I deleted the specific actor directly from windows. For X reason, when reopening my project the file were recreated unloaded. I deleted them again from the explorer with an error on windows saying file currently in use, cannot be deleted. I closed unreal and clicked retry on the actors and this time they were gone.

This worked to clear the invalid references. I right clicked on the Package Short Name on the invalid actor line, Copy Selected Actor(s) File Path and pasted it in the file explorer then remove the file name to browse to the folder, deleted the file and reloaded the project. Cleared the bad files.

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I tried the deleting file method and that works too. Thanks for finding a solution!

Right click on content folder and “fix up redirectors”

G’day - I had the same issue and resolved by doing the following:

  1. Right-click the greyed out actor in the Outliner
  2. Select ‘Copy Actor File Path’
  3. Exit Unreal Engine
  4. Browse to that file (in explorer) and delete it
  5. Restart and reload your project

Hope that helps!


God Bless You!

It works for me, Thx!

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