Hi guys. I have gotten back into UE4 after a break from most things game related and have spent about 2 weeks in my spare time making a material that projects textures onto objects and terrain, like planar projection or world based mapping. It looks pretty neat!
I think so far it looks pretty good and has taken a long time looking at tutorials and sitting and thinking and my head hurts a little now haha but it has been fun! Learning how to make the diffuse, normal, roughness and height maps with lots of trial and error.
I have also made a simple material with tessellation displacement and I was trying to find out how I would combine both of them into 1 material.
I have tried using this setup and the material previews look good but when applied to terrain I get either the wrong displacement where the height map of the rock layer displaces the rest of the terrain layers or I get the grass effecting all of them.
The above 3 screenshots are of the dirt layer material and there are 3 material layers - Dirt, Grass and Rock.
Each has a similar setup if not identical.
Then comes the monstrosity master material with its layerblends and lerping and masking and what not.
Now the material works wonderfully minus the tessellation but it is the tessellation that I want to work most! I just don’t understand where I am going wrong!
I would have thought that lerping the heightmaps using the same alpha masks made from the slopemask functions would give me a heightmap based on the current material-layers arrangement ie if its on a slope and there is grass at the top, then dirt down the side a bit and then rock on the edge that the grass’s tessellaton would effect only the grass, the dirts tessellation would affect only the dirt area and the rock tessellation would only effect the rock area however it seems almost like the top most layer takes priority and over writes everything beneath it!
I tested this by swapping the grass heightmap for a straight boring smooth uniform grey and the result was no more heightmap / tessellation for any of the other layers underneath aswell… ARGHHHGH!
Honestly guys I am about to explode.
I would appreciate any insight!