I built from source 5.3 version of engine on ubuntu 22.04. I created a test project and now I have a question:
how am I supposed to build the project when I put any changes?
I have a VS code project opened. I tried to run make inside project folder but I keep getting this error:
make: *** No rule to make target 'CrashReportClient-Linux-Shipping', needed by 'RequiredTools'. Stop.
Despite that, I still can rebuild my project from the Unreal Editor if I try to launch it (and it launches successfully).
My second question: when I create a project from UnrealEditor, the project creates and instead of launching the Unreal Editor with a project inside it calls UE to quit and launches vs code - is this a supposed behaviour?
p.s. Before that I worked with ue 4.27 on windows in VS2022.