Working With Terrain in UE (4.72)

I’m getting myself up to speed regarding creating terrain in UE, doing a variety of tutorials, including some here in the Learning Portal. Tons of good info and one heck of a lot to learn about materials.

My question is, I’m not working on a game persay, but my goal is interactive scenes, third person, first person, and eventually VR. I realize you can have a huge terrain laid out, and that there are landscape materials available, like for applying to mountains and such. But If I’m working on mostly an intimate scene, but have a landscape/terrain vista that goes off into the distance…

From a material standpoint, is there a way to separate the close terrain from the far terrain just using UE? It seems like UE Terrain is split into large squares which in itself is limiting, and I’m wondering could you lay a terrain for close work, on top of a larger terrain for far away vistas?

Or would you be better to Import an irregular plain from Blender for the close area and then surround it with UE terrain? The reason I ask this is because I watched a Youtube video on making a Forest scene and the author imported a plain in from a 3rd party modeling program for the close details, a road through the forest, and used UE terrain for the far terrain.

Here is a thread I started when I was working on it.
