Wishlist: Sequencer auto-pause track and/or a "Get All Markers" node

I’m trying to achieve the simplest thing ever: A long sequence that pauses at certain frames, and resumes when user press a key.

Wish-list item 1: Some kind of "Pause Track" to insert pause keyframes. That would be soooooo easy and convenient!!

There’s no such thing, AFAIK, so I’m adding frame markers at every pause point, and a Play To node. Like this

Wish-list item 2: The Play To node goes to next marker when you leave the “Marked Frame” input empty, or a wildcard like “next”, “previous” or “any”

No such thing, so I need to manually keep a DataTable and a runtime array of all marker names in their timeline order, so this BP knows which is next marker to PlayTo.

Wish-list item 3: A “Get All Markers” node (with a level sequence as target) would save me all that work. I could add and delete markers as I need, and the ordered list would auto-update on BeginPlay.

And a Wish-list item 4: An "Active child sequence markers" checkbox

Currently, you can set the markers in a sequence to be visible globally, with this option:

This way, if you nest that sequence in a master sequence you can see the child markers.

Perfect… But you can not use them!!. The PlayTo node can’t see child sequences markers. That means i have to manually add a marker in the master seq for each marker in the child nodes, and give it a serialized name. Painful. An "Active child sequence markers" checkbox would save me that pain.

It’s weird I need to perform so complicated stuff, manually add a hundred markers, and manually keep a DataTable of them, just to achieve the simplest think ever: Pause at certain time. Am I missing something big again??

(Btw, I’ve searched the forum for an “engine wish-list” thread but did not find one. Only “marketplace wish-list”)

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Features that can be done with other tools, but not only with Unreal

Do you mean it can be done with other tools within Unreal?