Wishlist Now Live

Today, we’ve released Version 1.0 of the Marketplace Wishlist—now you can add up to 50 products to your own wishlist to track your favorite products.

Marketplace Wishlist 1.0 features:

  • Add products to your wishlist by clicking on the heart shown on each product
  • Visit your wishlist by clicking the heart at the top of all Marketplace pages
  • Like in your shopping cart, the number of items currently on your wishlist is displayed on the wishlist icon at the top of the Marketplace pages
  • Sort products in your wishlist
  • The wishlist displays the regular price of each item, as well as any discounted price currently available.
  • When you acquire a product, it will be removed from your wishlist
  • Add or remove products directly from your shopping cart

Note: At this time, products cannot be directly transferred from your wishlist to the cart. You’ll need to visit the product’s page to add it to your cart.

We plan to add more functionality in the future and invite you to share your feedback for us in this thread.


While the wishlist functionality is working properly on web, we’re currently working to resolve an issue on launcher preventing people from using the wishlist functionality properly. We’ll update the thread once resolved.

Issue Resolved. Wishlist functionality is now working on launcher as expected.

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This is a great addition and something I specifically asked for only a few weeks back. Thank you guys very much for implementing this in.

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Thank you very much sir! I have been waiting for this so long!

So will this notify us if an product on our wishlist goes on sale… will we get an email or something?

Are there plans to increase the limit from 50 products? I’ll fill that up in no time.


Finally! Glad it’s here. On sale alert would be great.

We’d like to add future functionality where you can opt into notifications when products go on sale. We also want to increase the cap from 50 to at least 100.


Thank you!!! This is a great addition :slight_smile:

Thank you so much I already hit the 50 limit and I will be honest, I think I would hit the 100 limit easily as well, just something for you to consider.


Apparently there’s an issue with the Wishlist, some items cannot be added. I’ve had the issue with this one (Skateboarding System in Blueprints - UE Marketplace), where clicking the button says “Saved”, but the item doesn’t appear in my wishlist. Other people I asked have been able to reproduce the bug.

Such bugs make the Wishlist feature almost useless, as we’re never sure what items are actually added in our wishlist. I’ve actually rolled back to my old “bookmarks” wishlist to make sure nothing gets lost.

There is a bug with a handful of products that prevents them from being added to wishlists. When we’re aware of them, we can fix them manually, and we just did for this product. Please give it a try again, and you should be able to add it.

This is an excellent functionality, love this wishlist. Before it, I had to take note of all the products in a private document, whis is very uncomfortable. Unfortunatelly the limit is very low, I already filled the 50 items, and would need around 200. Just to consider, the bigger the limit, the more money the user want to spend on the marketplace over time… Notifications would simply increase the sales a lot, as we woulndn’t miss anyone… Thank you for the improvements!

Just tried it, it works. Thanks for the fix and the reactivity!

I just found a bug with the Wishlist: When you click the heart, a message pops up that says, “saved! click here to see your wishlist”, but if you are not logged in, nothing is saved at all!
I found out the hard way after a couple of hours of shopping I found out that I had an empty list because I had not logged in. I would have expected it to work like other shopping carts where your cart selections get transferred to your account whenever you login.

First of all, this is a great step in the development of MP!

A very useful functionality would be:

  • Email notification on discounts for assets in the wishlist;
  • The simplest statistics: added/removed/bought by wishlists;

Best regards,
Atlant Games Team.

Wishlist doesn’t work on the Unreal Marketplace within the Epic Games Launcher.

Unreal Marketplace (https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/wishlist)

Epic Games Launcher - Unreal Marketplace Wishlist

I should have 28 items in my Wishlist…

Thanks for the report. I can’t repro it, and my wishlist is replicated as expecting between web and launcher. Can you try fulling closing out the launcher, and then relaunching it? If that doesn’t solve it, please create a support ticket so we can get more information from you and work to figure out what might be happening.

Thanks again,

Can I add to the Wishlist, that the Wishlist function works? :slight_smile: It still doesn’t work from the Epic Launcher
I’ve not found 1 single item that you can add to the Wishlist (I’ve now clicked over 100), so don’t agree its ‘some items have an issue’. If this is the response, please can you let me know an asset that does work so I can try. Any asset just says saved but there is nothing there.
I’m logged in, I can add to the cart and buy, but the Wishlist in the launcher on Marketplace simply does not work, as per hundreds of reddit posts.

Hi Marketplace Team, i dont know if this was ask before but - what i really wish is that you can see in the publisher dashboard a kind of analiytics → Page Views and how many people put your products on there wishlist
It would improve the understanding what people want and what they like

I hope you will add something like this in the future :slight_smile:

I meet the same problem time to time: I see my Wishlist in https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace , but can’t see in Launcher.

Only solution to fix it (for me):

  1. Log Out.
  2. Close Launcher.
  3. Delete “EpicGamesLauncher” from Task Manager->Background processes.
  4. Start Launcher.
  5. Login.

But, dear Epics, you must fix that problem definitely!