I think we should have full precision uv’s for skeletal meshes as well in 24… Especially for moving thing with world position offset 32 bit uv’s would be amazing!
well… a gpu always computes in full precision… unless you explicitly specify half precision or are running on mobile. so… not sure what you’re asking for.
For Static Meshes there is this option ‘use full precision uv’s’ in the mesh editor, which lacks for Skeletal Meshes. Turned on you can literally see the difference for Static meshes when using bitmaps as vector data in world position off with small distances. Skeletal Meshes always behave like Static Meshes with this option unchecked which ich unfortunate.
see also:
i’m confused. maybe you are too. you got any pictures of what you’re doing? i don’t get it.
bitmaps have a precision, yes. i don’t understand what uvs of a skeletal mesh got to do with that. it’s just texel adressing, not the bitmap data itself. using bitmaps a vector data? you mean like a displacement? ofc you’re limited by the bitmap precision. or are you looking up a texture for a location offset or something. the only thing messing that up would be if you leave the texture filter on.
maybe:) its not the about the bitmaps/textures themselves, in my understanding its the uv’s that get rounded in the mesh. for static meshes there is a checkbox ‘use full precision uv’s’, which lacks for skeletal meshes. when you move around vertices with world position offset based on data from texture maps this is helpful trust me