Wise Feline Influence Maps is released

Influence maps allow you to do spatial queries and answer questions like:

  • Where should I stand so I’m not too close to friends and too far from enemies?
  • Where should I throw a grenade so I kill most enemies?
  • Where are the paths cargos usually travel so I send the criminal bands to steel their goods?
  • Where should I build the next house in relation to current population density and house density in my procedural generation map

Introduction Video | Documentation | Discord | Twitter/X | Demo Video | Download Demo

Wise Feline influence maps allows you to answer these sorts of questions efficiently and is compatible with Wise Feline Utility AI as well.

You store the effect of an agent/object/action on a map as a stamp and then can search for map parts with high values, low values, averages and … You can combine different maps with each other and then query them for specific values around a point or check a point’s value. Maps can have any resolution you desire and operations like normalizing, multiplying and adding maps to each other is supported by default. In addition to these you get access to the raw arrays if need be.

Influence maps allow you to make spatial queries and make decisions based on them. Unlike EQS they allow you to get data about the whole environment and not only the current place of things but also what happend where.

Get it from the marketplace

Technical Details

  • Minimum allocations: you can re-use your older arrays when you combine multiple maps again
  • High performance
  • Is very simple and flexible and can work with any other sort of AI system
  • Visual logger and gameplay debugger support
  • Unreal insights support
  • Fully supports both blueprints and C++
  • Allows you to decay values of a map for snow, foot steps and event maps.
  • Works with our Utility AI, and Unreal’s Smart Objects, AI Tags and other plugins pretty well.
  • Has fast discord and email support

Visit our website for more information Wise Feline Influence Maps for Unreal - NoOpArmy Games

The v1.1 update is out!

The update includes the ability to change an InfluencerAgent 's template at runtime and use multiple templates.

It also has a very important fix for calculating templates which makes them much smoother so make sure to update to it.

Release notes Release Notes | Wise Feline Utility AI

Updated influencer agent component’s docs InfluencerAgent component | Wise Feline Utility AI

v1.2 is out as well

We added Strength to InfluencerAgents so you can increase/decrease your influence, particularly useful for fire, ice and other similar phenomena

Relase notes Release Notes | Wise Feline Utility AI

V1.3 is released!

This version allows you to fine tune your searches by allowing you to multiply an interest template/curve with the map you are searching. It also allows you to remove the template of the actor which is searching from the map.

You can read more about the new functions at the end of this page Influence Map Actor | Wise Feline Utility AI

V1.4 is released with a better WFInfluencerAgent UI in the details panel which shows the relevant parameters for the template mode selected.
Also a critical bug in template baking which was introduced in 1.3 is fixed. You are only affected if your template’s curve at X=1 did not have a 0 value of Y for range units and such. In most cases your X=1 has a Y = 0.

Also the demo is a pure blueprint project now which does not require C++ to run.

See the release notes here Release Notes | Wise Feline Utility AI

The demo can be downloaded from this page Demos | Wise Feline Utility AI

We’ve been hard at work with new demos and guides and we are 50% off until 21st.


First a new quick start guide Quick start guide to Wise Feline Influence Maps | Wise Feline Utility AI

The new robots championship demo and a guide for both Utility AI and influence maps together

A video of the championship demo

Two other videos describing the Utility AI and influence maps parts of the demo
Imap description https://youtu.be/iRgQnez1-xw
Utility ai description https://youtu.be/SvTwS3WGxiA

A trial version of imaps is also available now
This works for 2 minutes in each PIE session and then destroys the Influence Map Actors

Hi everyone v1.5 of Influence maps for unreal is released

It allows you to clamp the values of a map when adding values to it using AddInfluence or when using the WFInfluencerAgent component.

This is useful for searches which give you the highest and lowest cells.

If you don’t do this then due to floating point inaccuracies, sometimes one cell has a value of -0.0000001 and is always chosen by all agents.

Normalizing the map could fix this but normalizing is more expensive than clamping. In many situations you know that clamping is enough because the map is always at a certain range.

Release notes here Release Notes | Wise Feline Utility AI

Wise Feline Influence maps and our other products are 50% off on the marketplace now.


Grab them while you can.

We have released v1.6 of influence maps for unreal.
This version adds a component visualizer which shows the map dimensions when you edit width, height and cellsize without entering a PIE session.

Also influence maps are 50% off until the 4th.
