Wireframe material over another material

Hi all,
so i made a wireframe material and Im trying to put it on top of another material in order to have it glow on top of the item’s texture. Can anyone tell me how to do that ? thanks a lot

bump ?..

I think that layered materials is what you are after. Here is a video explaining the idea.

no, layered materials seem to be for different parts of a model. I want to draw the wireframe material and the normal material on top of each other.

someone please ?

I have the same question. No answers yet.

I tried doing this with material functions, but I don’t see a wireframe option with material functions.

Sure there is.

The “Wireframe Color” node is a simple VectorParameter named that way, and the “Emissive Strength” node is ScalarParameter named that way, too.

Another way would be to sample a texture over the mesh (plugged into the “Emissive Color” pin of the final node) and tile it so it aligns just right, as mentioned here: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/78386/wireframe-material.html

Hi! I have same problem. Yeah there is wire frame option in material node, but is useles. You need to find how to turn on wireframe in material function(i think it is not there-or am i wrong?). I need to find solution without second mesh or texture. Thanks for any advice

Andrei, this is a Material, not a material function. There seems to be no option for wireframe in material functions

Im pretty sure youll need a second texture for the wireframe. The wireframe option is literally just toggling the mesh to display wireframe or not. You cant have the wireframe option in function because no mesh exists there

Yeah you right-but thats what i want to to avoid. I solved it with second mesh with wire turn on. Problem with texture is that is hard to get quality one(its hard to set up render to texture to render nice smooth lines) and it take a lot of time to do that-and i have lot of objects./ But thanks for suggestion

I have found a workaround. You’ll need 2 meshes overlapping each other.

Add the [Wireframe][1] material on one mesh, and the Material of your choice on the second. Now add a simple scalar value 0.2 to your second material’s Pixel Depth Offset node.


Have Fun!