(WIP) SciFi Jetpack Shooter With Vehicles Project (Download)

Heya Guys!

I am working on a project that I would like others to try out and “help out” if they so choose. I am trying to build a game that I want to play, and also others may enjoy as well.

Feel free to download and use anything in this project as you wish.

I am making a video that I will post on Twitch.tv as soon as its ready describing what I have so far and some issues that are needing solved, so feel free to post in this thread some ideas for making improvements or make your own and repost a new download with the improvements.

Download The Project >> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B32snFZvDyv3bU1TbS1vVHJ0V2c

Simply Unzip It To Your My Documents>Unreal Projects.

Live Stream Of The Project And Lots Of Systems In Action!


Download link was busted, should be working again, let me know if anyone has anymore problems with the downloads.


Have now added my first air vehicle to the project, I am currently uploading the new project for you guys to try out.

Newest version with gravcycle and airjet is live >>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B32snFZvDyv3XzNiWGdTcGJXOTQ

Twitch stream of features >>> Twitch

I got my beam weapon template working, I am going to make 2 more auto turrets and polish up what things are currently operational in the project and upload a new project file.

Probably have the new version ready by the end of the week, so look for a new “update” soon™

Beam Weapon Base Template Video >>>>>

Funny, i’ll have a look :wink: Thanx for this.

I am wondering why its funny?

Am I missing a joke or something here?

Funny in term of fun. What you are doing in the video is fun to me. It means it is cool, great. Also, i understand the hard work behind. Sry if i offended you, no offense was intended… but since i am french, sometimes i speak english like a spanish cow :wink:

Ahhh Ok,

Sorry I totally took it the wrong way, thanks and have fun with it!

Looks like you’re going after a Tribes-like game. If you’re planning to include skiing, it might be wise to take a glance at the Project Freefall source code. It has skiing built in already, and a few other things you might like. Could save you some time, at least.


Thanks for the link, I have looked at his project, it is pretty cool.

I am making a tribes like game, but no not going the "“sking” route, and there will be lots of other differences.

But thank you for the suggestion!

Nice work & interesting. thx for sharing

I take it, this is just for learning purposes?
did you create all the assets?

btw with your beam particle effect, the problem is most likely the retriggerable delay node, itself, that’s why when you set it to 0 the effect doesn’t lose it’s starting position. the effect itself looks like it’s working correctly.

Well yeah this is for learning purposes, but in the end I plan on having a “playable” game as well.

The assets for the weapons, sounds, and effects are from other unreal projects that will be replaced with my own custom assests as soon as i get the base mechanics all working.

I will look at that node to see if i can find a better way to make it a constant fire weapon, but that was the only node I saw to make it “retrigger” the fire event, thanks though I will look into it.

New Version!

The new version contains a beam weapon and a new turret type!

Download Here>>> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B32snFZvDyv3bU1TbS1vVHJ0V2c

Live Stream>>> Twitch

How long have you been working on this? Lots of cool stuff here. And thank you for sharing your work, I totally want to look at it.

Just a couple weeks is all, and thanks!